Filling Dynamics of Pit 3 at the Perdigões Archaeological Complex

An Examination of the Ceramic and Lithic Components


  • Inês Ribeiro CHAIA – Universidade de Évora


Archaeological Complex of Perdigões, Ceramics, Chalcolithic, Intentional Deposits, Lithics


With over 25 years of research, the Perdigões Archaeological Complex has brought several previously unexplored issues and debates to the forefront of Portuguese archaeology, notably concerning the formation of deposits associated with diverse negative structures. Understanding deposit formation is crucial in unraveling the true functionality of sites like the Pit Enclosures, an area of growing interest in the past decade.   This study focuses on investigating the filling processes of Pit 3 through an analysis of its ceramic and lithic materials. Our objectives include determining if the deposition was intentionally anthropic and identifying any material parallels with other Pit Enclosures and settlements from the 3\textsuperscript{rd} millennium B.C. This exploration aims to shed light on the Chalcolithic societies and their practices.




